Friday, July 13, 2007

Hundred (100) Facts about, *MySelf*

    1. Name: Arushi Chopra

    2. Sex: Female

    3. Birthday: 26 October 1993

    4. Astrological Sign: Scorpio

    5. Age: 13

    6. Zodiac Year: Rooster

    7. Nationality: Indian

    8. Languages I can Speak: English, Hindi, and tiny winy Italian and Punjabi

    9. Sexual Orientation: Straight

    10. Relationship Status: Single

    11. Smoking: Nannaa!

    12. Drinking: Nanaa!

    13. Email ID:

    14. Room No: Dont give out publicaly

    15. Currently Doing: am studying in grade 9 of The Air Force School,New Delhi.

    16. My nick name is ‘ROoSh’ which was kept by mah two brothers… and since then I call myself ‘RoOsH’.

    17. I am a very truthful person and whatever I say, I always mean AND I hate those who take me for granted…

    18. I love ma parents… I just love ma momma! (that is what I call her when I feel loads ov love for her!) and ma Daddy! They are the best! And mah Da’ads too…

    19. I am a big time and the biggest evaa evvaa fan of The Olsen Twins and then of Shakira.

    20. My talent is to do Belly-dancing and innovate, that is putting thoughts into rhyming stanzas.

    21. I never learned belly dancing from some one, Shakira is my teacher and I learn everything from her videos, and actually I can do all of her steps!

    22. Before The Olsen Twins or Shakira, my best actor was Shah Rukh Khan or before that Scooby-Doo. Actually I still do love both of them! Speciall Scooby. My first Id was from his name!! Such a sweetheart!

    23. My best friend is Sherlyn, and we both are a total opposite! We both always have opposite opinions on everything…

    24. I started reading books 3-5 years back and the first book I read was David Copperfield.

    25. I still love reading books. I just totally love LOVE STORIES by Erich Segal. He is my ideal author! Just love him!

    26. Then comes Agatha Christie… I love her mysteries! And not to forget, that I am really into the books of The Olsen Twins. Yet one of my favourite book will be Thesaurus… hehe! Because I love learning new words!

    27. Yet, yet, yet! The only story which made me cry was the Autobiography of mah Grandpa! It made me read it again and again! He wrote it in 1999, when he went to US.

    28. After that AutoBiograohy, True Believer by Nicholas Sparks is the 2nd love story, novel, which made me read it again n again! I read it twice together. Or else, I don’t like to read same books again n again!

    29. I have an elder sister, 7 yrs elder to me!! God Damn!!

    30. And too, she has a boyfriend, who is real naice. Actually both of them have tagged me to do this! (And am Liking it!! Hehe! J)

    31. I am the youngest in my family!! And get loads and loads of love from everyone!

    32. I am a very learning person. I learn from everything and anything around.

    33. At school, I am considered as a NERD! Beat that! Hehehe!

    34. At school, we are group of Seven! Harsh-Sam-Gaurs-Deeksh-Vikalpa-Shefali-Me!!

    35. I am a lil freaky. Cuz I am afraid of dogs, Yet I want to own one. Which can be my dream dog! Hehe! A Golden Labrador! Ma fav!

    36. I believe in God, the almighty force or power helding ma confidence. First I used to worship Lord Ganesha, then Lord Shiv then Jesus and now finally Wahe Guru!

    37. I go every morning to Gurudwara, before, I leave for school… praying that one day I succeed and I get to meet the Olsen twins.

    38. I have never had a boyfriend in my life.

    39. Only once I had a crush and it is still there.

    40. I call myself big tym passionate aka –zEaLoUsMe—

    41. I started bloggin… I think… 6-7 Months back and now I have three blog pages that is,--zEaLoUsMe-- , The Olsen Twins and Promote India.

    42. Am truly patriotic and wish to work for my country and be a good service to her. I love when India is good.

    43. I hate all those who think bad for India and don’t even wanna do anything for her!

    44. I am a real shy, yet I talk a looooooot.

    45. ‘Sorry’, is the only word I cant say! I mean its tuff for me to convey that!

    46. Am very much possessive, though I try not to!!!

    47. I laugh a hell lotta big tym! You can be a victim of my laughter, if you make me laugh. Because, for once when I start laughing, I never stop! Never means NEVER!!! You can say I get Laughing Fits! Hehe! My friends no betta in this matter!

    48. I can be real funny at times!! And make others laugh!

    49. My biggest achievement in mah life is that, My daddy laughs at my dumb jokes… I like the way he smirks or give a lil laugh out! It makes me a lil proud!

    50. I am very sensitive and a red person too! I get angry real fast!

    51. I am really liking this! I love to say about myself! Hehehe!

    52. I loooooovE travelling! I Just love it! And I dream to see the world!

    53. I have FINALLY chosen my future career. I wanna take Commerce with Maths in 11 and do business studies. Wanna work in international companies and just like all my elder cousins and mah Bua get to roam around and admire this unseen beautiful world!

    54. In July 2004, I first time sat on an aeroplane and had gone to Bangalore with Da’ads.

    55. On 13 May 2005, I had my first International Flight and had gone to London and then To US and finally Canada!

    56. I also went to the original Disney Land in Florida! And also Universal Studios where I missed The Olsen Twin’s star of fame.

    57. AT Universal I also met Scooby, and I also have my snap clicked with him and his autograph too!!!

    58. I have two scars on my forehead, joined. One of them was when I fell from the bed in Goa, when I was 1 or 2. And the second scar is the one which I got during Chicken Pox, I was 6 or 7.

    59. Initially I hated rings, and never wore any. But now I wear 3 of them. In my middle finger of my left hand, I have two rings. One is real light green and the other is a mood ring I got from Chicago, and this mood ring was my first ring I eva SAVED! The other is I borrowed from ma sis and wear it in my right hand.

    60. I have hell lotta collection of diaries. I have been inspired by writing stuff and thus I started writing from my 11 birthday, that is 3 yrs back.

    61. I have an autobiography diary in which I have taken autographs of all the crew member I met through my international trip in 2005.

    62. I have a talent diary in which I have all my poems, short says and the best, I have a short kinda essay on My Mum!

    63. I have filled up to 4 Journals.

    64. The others are empty.

    65. My best birthday gift ever was what I got last year, SPECIALLY from ma sis n her bf. She gave me ma dream diary… Just Love it!!!

    66. And then, what I got in Philedelphia from Meenu Bua, (in 2005) was *CHEER*… the most precious thing…

    67. The ever best poem written by me and I still love it was – “Bloom Like A Flower”.

    68. I love my school.

    69. (Guess what? It is getting tougher n tougher for me to do this… NAHIN!!!) I am very chubby, and “CUTE” in terms of my friends!

    70. For my dreams to come true, I have started saving money in an earthen pot at home.

    71. I never wished for a cell phone but an I-Pod.

    72. I am scared of cockroaches, specially the flying ones.I hate Darkness, though at time I appreciate it!

    73. I never want to learn driving because I feel afaraid that I might just bump into people… yet I want to learn too!

    74. Am always confused… Actually I have always been a confused personality!! J

    75. Am short in height… yet I am almost my sis’ height.

    76. I excersice everyday, so that I am tall enough and make mah mum real proud of me!

    77. I have a real bad habit of biting nails since I was a young and Chota saa Baccha!

    78. I am going to turn 14 this year, and I cant believe that!

    79. I have always wished that as soon as I get 18, I work in McDonalds.

    80. I am a McDonald freak… I just love it! ‘I’m Lovin It!’

    81. After McDonalds, I love south indian. My favourite dish is Plain Dosa.

    82. After all of the above, I love MEXICAN FOOD… Muah! Just love it! I first had it in Either in Boston or New York or Chicago… and after that, I fell in love with it!

    83. I have also been to Miami, and that is suppose to be a good place which indeed aint!

    84. London Eye was the best thing in London! J

    85. I love Chocolate Chip Icecream! Hmmm… The best ice cream ever…

    86. From ice cream I recall the awesome ice cream I had in Washington and New York from the famous parlour COLD STONE! The one I had in NY was Cake Batter with Kitkat! Hmmm, it was tooo good!

    87. I love music… I am a music freak. Muzic by Shakira, PennMasala, Justin Timberlake, Nelly, Rihanna and all most, evry good singer… I just love it!

    88. My blog idol is Shayon aka Sayan aka Sayantan Pal aka my sis’ bf. Only after reading his blog, I got enthusiastic about it!

    89. I love rain… Not because no one can see me cryin, but because itz so much of fun… It makes me thrilled, happy, gay and - and…

    90. I have many online friends, but talk to none!!! J I mean only those who aint interested in talking to me! Or are real boring kiddos!

    91. I hate Daniel Radcliffe, I mean not cmpletly hate it but YEAH! I don’t like it. (YET!! I am going this Saturday to watch it with Sholay and sis!).

    92. I like to help others and try to be naice… The one who inspired me is Mohit (Bhaiya – that is what I call him!!!) Thakur. He is in mah school. Real naice friend of mine. He 3 yrs elder to me. A real good advicer and as I have said ‘Inspirational!!’

    93. I have always had a dream to write a book, on teens and love!

    94. A real good fact is there, that when I was a kiddo, in jounior school, I was a nasty one. I was a big liar and a thief. I used to steal stuff and speak lies.

    95. I remember stealing Rs100 in grade 3 or 4 from my partner, Sanya!

    96. I had braces once, now I wear retainers only at night time. I had my braces worn and out within 11 months! J

    97. I have a craze for wearing Indian suits, but with fashion though I wear skirts everyday! I just love my skirts too!

    98. I like watches, but my bad luck is that, I have broken all my watches and the one I am continuing with, I am fed up of that! Hope I get a new watch soon.

    99. I have also bunked classes, only twice. Hehe! The first one I did was either in 7 or 8, and I was so thrilled to bunk that I came home and told ma parents too! Glad they didn’t say anything to me! J

    100. Yipeeeeee yip! I finished it and now you know me so better, that I want you also to do so that is write 100 facts about YOURSELF!. You Are Tag…. It!!

I was tagged by Sakshi and Shayon aka Sayan.

And now I have tagged all my blog readers... so am waitin...

*PS* Started on :- 12 July 2007.... finished it on 13 July 2007.


Sakshi said...

oh well.. cngrats that you finally git the list over...lets c what ur idol aka my bf aka Shayon has to say....

PS:i learned this word aka from my nancy drew collection..... where did u learn it from??

zEaLoUsMe™ said...

shukriya, shukriya!!

*PS* i learned AKA frm one of Meg Cabot's buk!

Anonymous said...

hey what does aka mean?

zEaLoUsMe™ said...

aka means something relevant to that, like i say zealousme aka passionate

Anonymous said...

oooo ok ok

Karma said...

A little update on aka. actually this is an acronym written as a.k.a and it stands for "also known as".
Nice work Arushi.I don't know how shall i manage 100 points since I have been taggedby Shayon and Sakshi!!

zEaLoUsMe™ said...

hmm... thanks 4 da info annnd since u ve also been tagged to to this stuff, it is easy, write abt ur past likes n dislikes.. :D!! hehe! or else write a para of 100 sentences and and and, number them hehe! njoy!!!

Anonymous said...

hey thanks people for the info about a.k.a ! Twas pretty useful!!

Hey zealous, did u check out my 100 points??? I had a tough time thinking of all those points, u know..

Unknown said...

'ROoSh' you won the race against me..
it took the whole of prev day..
before that i wasted two days thinking just what to write..

why do u write is a ROoSh not Roosh??

zEaLoUsMe™ said...

jus a style... kya jaat hai jaise bhi likho Roosh toh Roosh hi rahega!! hehe!