Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hate it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ghosh, you wont believe what had happened, I just truly hate it... when dad checked the brochure regarding me going to Chennai with sisiz mobile yesterday, we found that no flight goes from delhi to chennai in that scheme, grrrrrrr!!! I was so disappinted...
I think i wont go, or else therez a flight going to Mumbai, and I dont mind that destination either... but well, Dad now plans to book a flight only... But i dont want this way, as just for 5 dayz, i think it will be too much, yet worth it...
But I still dont feel happy anymore... :(


Anonymous said...

well, it must be really disappointing... but then, i hope u have a gud time, whereever u go..

zEaLoUsMe™ said...

thanks a ton naomi... ur big tym sweet at hrt... hehe!!!

busy-writer said...

awww.. sad but still MUMBAI!! :)
n incidently, my parents won an all accomodations paid trip to Goa, 8 days 7 nites!! and my bro and i are gonna tag along wid them too :D
btw, we checked this up.. its a true offer :D

Anonymous said...

Hi zealous... plz update ur blog, na?? itz been so long...

zEaLoUsMe™ said...

well i noe m nt updating it, cuz i think m gonna quit blogging now... m ova wid it, or else i will start wid a new blog page... i ve bcum so damn buzy that i hardly get ne tym to do nething!!
srry ya!

Shayon said...

you planning to leave blogging? since when? how come? you call yourself being too busy, at this age? then how much busier do reckon you can get in the later years of your life?

Anonymous said...

hey plz dont delete it... and plz dont stop... do continue, either here or on a new page... but plz don't stop.. this is my humble request.. It's ur wish... Sorry 4 being so pushy.. It's just that I enjoy reading your blog and I really don't want it to stop... sorry..

zEaLoUsMe™ said...

oo hooo!!! sorry guyz... i will, i think continue blogging! n abt being buzy i dunno, seriously that is jus n excuse cuz i really dont feel like blogging, but i will blog because i am real close to complete my hundred posts so i shall publish more posts!!
sorry guyz to disappoint u... mah bad!!*:(*