Friday, April 27, 2007

6 Months... and now Years to go...

Its been 6 months that I became a teenger and now there are years to come... I know its a very dumb thing to talk about, everyone once in lifetime does go through the teenage life aka *HELL*. But for me, its a kinda an achievement and I want to celebrate and I dont care if someone finds it very kiddish... AM LIKE THAT...

In these 6 months I learned many things and also came across the actual meaning of living in *HELL* and being a teen. For how much I was excited before a month I turned 13, is now paying...hehe...

  • I learned that confidence is very important and always stick to what you like, never change for someone...

  • Choose your friends wisely... Friends NOW will last...

  • Wanna change... Change for good.

  • Be thankful to God for everything.

  • If you see a dream, dram for it to be fulfilled and work for it...

  • In these 6 months I had my first crush. I mean I never had a crush before, but Now I do. A big one though... hehe!! :p

  • First time a guy liked me... c'mon, I aint that good and a guy likes me... but the fact is the is nither a good one... hehe... He is a total gawaar and village person type but the better side is that there are guys who actually find me good...

  • In 6 months I made Lad friends... Lad in the sense MALE friends... I aint good with guys, so that why.... And both of them are really nice... ( dont worry I have crush on none of them... The guy whom I have a crush on IS my friend but we aint that good pals...)

I further made a conclusion that to be good with parents or u gonna suffer... hehe!!!

Thats all what funn I had in these 6 months...wondering what will happen in the coming yrs!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

' The Namesake ' By Jhumpa Lahiri

There is a story without a story. I mean, teher is nothing great in it except of the fact everything is so intelinked that just because of an accident and the disreach of the Grandmother's letter, the boy is named GOGOL to which he regrets till a point. The point when he comes to know why was he named that, though till then he had changed his name ti Nikhil. It ends to a simple conclusion that what you are named, be proud of it and dont regret it or you will suffer...( he suffered with humiliation at once...)

And as far as the author is concerned, Jhumpa Lahiri has wriiten a very simple, and innovative story (innovative because its somthing new and as my dad says, " She has shared a very personal matter, of naaing a child..." ) highliting The Namesake, a sake of having a name or a pronoun addressed to you. She narrates it in a very nice and delicate and also in an EXPANDING form, explaining every moment the character goes through: mentally, physically or even emotionally...

I really admire the way Jhumpa Lahiri has wriiten and framed the story, the book or the novel ( though when I did start reading it, I hated it...).

Now she has become my ideal author after Erich Segal... I really love the way Erich Segal narrates the story in a frank manner...

Monday, April 9, 2007

i AiNT GOOD...

I mean how can somebody do that to me....or ppl can do that to me?..:(( it feels like bloody damn neglected by everybody...why why why??? I mean no body have said anything to me but generally, everyone takes me for granted... This lady Lilana is a bitch though I wanted to say sorry to her cuz accodrding to me, it was my fault but I was just joking naa... I did say somewords in Hindi in a conference at yahoo n we were about 6 friends n except her everyone knows Hindi, now that aint my fault n she left the confo. I even said sorry to her n asked her to come back n she rude..bloody damn cant ppl be a lil compromising...mann this world totally sux n I think this hell is now getting over my nerves...

And as far as Dad is concerend he is okay n dee is with him...even I want to but dad denys' it...he says meet me somewhat later, might be after the surgery...obv!

N then this piczo thingi...I think I shud leave it now, my site is where I had asked people to just sign some scraps that is the page of STEP IN if they go by my site and no one did...but another frnd of mine did the same with her site n everyone scraped hers... how rude? and then if they say am their good friend why dont they mean it... am missing ppl now...some voices who can understand... now if they comment on my site that it is nice, cant they mean the same...hate it...I dunno that wateva I ve typed even make sense or not, I jus know that some dumb asses take me for granted and me again an ass take them as real good happy alone.

I dont wan happy how I am, except dad shud come home asap n I should get a bestfriend, whom I say that they are my best friends, I dont think they take me like that...that is why am happy alone, atleast I know that no one is fooling me... And I want my family to there always with me...that is of my mountain there, I will climb by I dont give a damn....

Sunday, April 8, 2007

What a RELIEF...

I went today to meet daddy, I was excited at once but now its a relief that he is feeling ok. The surrounding is fill with heart patients (hehe...), some of them chit-chatting n some sleeping. Daddy was feeling well, we did talk for 5 mins cuz the meeting timings is for 15 mins only n my mom also waned to talk to him....he did ask me how my tution class was today n my BELLY DANCE class ( I had 1st class today)...Really its very scary... I did ask daddy, "AINT IT SCARY..." he says it aint but it is very uncomfortable sleeping here and very boring...

Tomorrow morning he will be shifted to a room, so I might go again and meet him... relaxed now....

Surgery on Tuesday...

Today when the test was done, it said his all 3 arteries are blocked, 1st one 100%, 2nd nd 3rd 70% blocked. thus, his surgery is on tuesday morning....but all over he is ok, i mite go n meet him this evening or tomorrow...
All is that am really worried about him though dee says there is nothing to worry about...though am looking forward to meet him...

Get well soon DAD....

Saturday, April 7, 2007

HATE it....

Dad is hospitalized with some kinda heart disease...I think its called Engime(a), or somthing like that, in which operation would be done on Monday...

It was 4th night dad wasnt feeling good and due to the absence of some medicine doctor ordered him to have, dad, mum n dee went to the hospital for medicine. Dad wasnt feeling good and then was about to faint. So he got his checkup done there at that time only, and his ECG was normal. But BP was low, so he took the medicine required and came home at 1. Now our doctor had told him to get his check up done on Saturday morning with empty stomach and also get his BP checked on Friday.
On Friday, his BP was normal, 120/80.
Today at Saturday, when he went for his check up, his ECG was totally opposite and doctor said his arteries are blocked or some disease is there and he has to be immediatly admitted but this afternoon we consulted our family doctor and he said he (dad) shall be admitted. So now he is in the hospital and his operation as per now is on just praying good for him. I even wept today in the afternoon but now I believe he will be ok...
And he should....

Friday, April 6, 2007

Life so FAR....

My first day at 9thC wan really very boring. I was misssing all of them, wished that one could be with me though I wasnt sitting along because my friend (not one of that good but she hangs around with us!!) Aakriti sat with me. Except my 5 other older classmates I knew only one person from other section (excluding Aakriti) Tapesh. Thats all.
Throughout the day it felt very cranky and crying, but am gonna keep the strenght, and will make sure that Yes, I can survive without my friends. After every class I used to run out of my class just to meet up others. Deeksh told me in the morning that she has got me somthing that really u are longing for, though I couldnt guess what it was...Throughout the time, tillI reached home was wondering what it was?...At the end of Recess my mom came to which I was really very surprised. She came to talk to the techers so that my friends can come into my class. And then in 6th or 7th period Shefali came into the classn told me Harsh is crying, I ran to the Girl's Toliet (GT) and she was all red cuz of crying hard. She had the same problem for not able to adjust in her class though her class has the best of masti students....But somday or the other, but soon we are planning a night stay so that we can be together...I too miss them alot!

On Thursday, It was Viks' 14th Birthday...but it was a holiday in delhi cuz it was the election in still a abash feeling, that what shall I buy for her. I have to take somthing for her on Monday...this time its been a really big weekend here...Friday a holiday due to Good Friday, then Saturday and Sunday are usual holidays!
Am trying to cop-up with my new routine of everyday thanks to my tutions...

And then Yesterday night, dee (sis) went for a check up with Da'ads (grandma), an eye check up n dee mite get a temprary glasses for which my mom got so damn hypered that it was a big time quarrel yesterday n my mom aint happy with dee getting glasses...dunno why? She was complaining to dee that she never listens to mom andall the time sits on the computer........MY-MY-MY...she doesnt even know its not her who sits at the comp all day, its glad mom aint mad at me abouth that fact that AM THE ONE WHO SITS AT THE COMP, but my sis so good, am glad she didnt speak out that, "ARUSHI SITS ON THE LAP, NOT ME..." u sis for this!!!

Now from today I will make sure I dont sit at Comp the whole day...2ce a day is OK...but not all the time, instead I can work on my skills that is Writing and Dancing and listen to the orders of Mum so that she doesnt complain that I dont listen to her and later feel guilty about it, though am the one who doesnt do anything, not even help mom. Its dee only...shez da Best!!!

Wohhooooo...its time to come in Action, from right NOW!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Life Now Upside Down...

Today I was a lil excited to know which section did I get. Today in the last period teachers came and till then we 7 were all so excited, scared and nervous and and and enjoying and giggling together!
When teachers came and announced students for thier classes, first came the techer of section E and it included Harsh and Shefali. Then came mine(I shall tell later about mine), then section D which included Viks and Sam and then section B which included Deeksh and Gaurs. When it was my turn, that is section C, it only included Me(obvious, now who is left). I was dumstrck!!! I couldnt really believe my ears and eye about what I heard and saw my eacher reading and saying the same. My name was called out in the end of the section C list and in th end teacher said, after saying my name, "Meet you students tomorrow". I was again all lonely. I really felt like crying and my tears did come out. I was crying hard, very hard. Everybody got someone or the other and ME??? all alone... :(( but thanks to my luck my friends did gave me a shoulder and said they did try to change their sections for me as I have got the best section in all of us, as section C has got the best teachers in 9th after section A.

Right now my friends are calling and telling me not to worry, they are getting applications tomorrow to change their sections for me and not to forget the reason, that I have the best teachers...hehe!!! how sweet of them!!!

I was at one ponit really very blue that am alone but after that I was told that being alone is a test to prove that YES!!! you can survive without ur beloved ones...I wanted to do the same but am glad that my friends are trying thier best!!!

My daily routine is all gone!!! Now when I have to do cycling am going tutions that is the time Pearl gets home am leaving tutions and that tution aint a nice one, I mean it does teaches really awesome but the classes are Monday to Sunday, that is 7 days a week and every Sunday there is a test. But the best they give thier notes also!!! The worst about tutions is that they are your second school, I mean this age of mine is all left for school only??? hadh ho gai!!! There is a defficiency of a uniform or It would be pakka that I would be joining a second school. And then there is extra home-work from tution...nahi yaar mujhe bachaoo!!! I hope everything goes good!!!


Monday, April 2, 2007

1st day of 9th and...

I was tired last night, thus I did sleep lil well than last year because than the whole night I would have taken turnes and would have hardly closed my eyes.

In the morning my van did come late (as usual...) but we reached on time and I was all excited. We welcomed the new class, that is 6th in senior school by giving a huge round of applause. according of the system we sat in 9thA because we got passed and promoted from 8thA. I thought after sitting and settling in 9thA we will get shuffled but the shuffling will take place tomorrow morning. 'A' is the Sanskrit section (which is no more my subject, I have taken Hindi) so I know A section wont be given to me which am really feeling blue off because A section has got perfect teahers, the class teacher is really very nice one and all the teachers rocked!!! I mean Rocks!!! I also came to know there are very eww teachers in rest of the classes!!! Why is this to happen...WHY WHY WHY???

Today evening I gave to do Seva, WORK at Gurudwara as toda is Langar. Am really tired par I know I do have to go because my best pal Pearl has called me, she will feel bad if I ditched her...she is very particular here!!!

I am gonna join Belly Dancing from next week...woohoo!! am excited for that..!!

and Rest???.....we shall see tomorrow...hehe!!!