Saturday, April 7, 2007

HATE it....

Dad is hospitalized with some kinda heart disease...I think its called Engime(a), or somthing like that, in which operation would be done on Monday...

It was 4th night dad wasnt feeling good and due to the absence of some medicine doctor ordered him to have, dad, mum n dee went to the hospital for medicine. Dad wasnt feeling good and then was about to faint. So he got his checkup done there at that time only, and his ECG was normal. But BP was low, so he took the medicine required and came home at 1. Now our doctor had told him to get his check up done on Saturday morning with empty stomach and also get his BP checked on Friday.
On Friday, his BP was normal, 120/80.
Today at Saturday, when he went for his check up, his ECG was totally opposite and doctor said his arteries are blocked or some disease is there and he has to be immediatly admitted but this afternoon we consulted our family doctor and he said he (dad) shall be admitted. So now he is in the hospital and his operation as per now is on just praying good for him. I even wept today in the afternoon but now I believe he will be ok...
And he should....


Naomi said...

Plz dont be sad... Ur dad will get over with this disease really fast.. I wish him very good health..!! I will also pray for him..

zEaLoUsMe™ said...

thanks 4 da encouragement!